Nuts About Knowledge

Blog Posts for Big Island, Hawaii

The process of turning coffee cherry to roasted bean is an art!!!!


image image (2) coffee07snowThe process of turning coffee cherry (the red berry picked off the tree) to roasted coffee varies slightly. It is the art of processing that can make a ordinary cup of coffee amazing.  The rule of thumb is pick the coffee when ripe, which only occurs with small estate coffees. The coffee is pulped (the skin is removed) then the coffee ferments and then washed. The coffee is then left to be dried which may take days to weeks depending on weather conditions. Then the parchment is removed and the coffee is stored as green coffee. Finally the coffee is roasted. The roast is also a vital part of the art of a excellent cup of coffee!coffee-bagWe have learned from our experience as Peace Corps volunteers in El Salvador the art of processing coffee. Great care is taken from pick to roast to provide a full bodied, smooth cup of coffee with rich chocolate, macadamia nut, and fruit undertones. Being sustainably smart and Certified Organic is our intention to care for our aina (environment) as well as your well being. Enjoy this gourmet coffee and experience the highest quality Organic Kona coffee. Taste the real Kona. Have a beautiful day.

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