Nuts About Knowledge

Blog Posts for Big Island, Hawaii

Mahina Mele Farm

Aloha! Welcome to Mahina Mele Farm on the Big Island of Hawaii. We are a family run organic farm on the slopes of the world’s largest mountain, Mauna Loa. We have a 10 acre organic Kona coffee and macadamia nut farm. We are happy to offer you our 100% Kona Organic coffee, Kona Rose Coffee and Izzie Macs! our certified organic macadamia nuts.

We never expected to live in Hawaii, but life’s unexpected twists and turns have led us from the East Coast to Central America to the West Coast and now the ruggedly beautiful island of Hawaii. What an adventure! When we landed in Hawaii several years ago, we arrived at our new farm to find an overgrown, abandoned, weedy mess!

After much hard work, and many therapeutic trips to the beach, we are enjoying the many fruits of our labors. The farm has responded amazingly and is now a beautiful, productive orchard.

Our biggest achievement is to be able to share the rewards of this productive land with you. Try our Kona Rose coffee, 100% Kona certified organic coffee. All those stories you’ve heard about Kona coffee are true. It is the best coffee in the world and remember if it’s not 100%, it’s not Kona.

For you mac nut lovers you are in for a treat! Our Izzie Macs! are out of this world delicious dehydrated and lightly sea salted, they are super crunchy, buttery and highly addictive!

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